What is colour?

Let’s start by asking about what colour is?

  • Newton discovered light spectrum — Prism Experiment.
  • There are seven main colours in Visible Spectrum.
  • Light can be combined to form different colours.

Summary: Colour is a combination of different wavelengths (in Visible Spectrum).

How do we see colour?

We perceive only the reflected colours. Colour is not in an object but because it reflects that colour (wavelengths) into our eyes.

Our response to Visible Spectrum varies we don’t see all colours evenly. We cannot see any thing beyond infrared and ultraviolet.


  • https://www.pantone.com/articles/color-fundamentals/how-do-we-see-color
    • The human eye and brain together translate light into colour. Light receptors within the eye transmit signals to the brain, which produces the familiar sensations of colour.
    • The retina is covered by millions of light-sensitive cells, some shaped like rods and some like cones. These receptors process the light into nerve impulses and pass them along to the cortex of the brain via the optic nerve.
    • There are three types of cone-shaped cells, each sensitive to the long, medium or short wavelengths of light. These cells, working in combination with connecting nerve cells, give the brain enough information to interpret and name colours.
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WN1yCigL3Hk
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=af78RPi6ayE
    • 8:01 - Our response to that spectrum varies we don’t see all colours evenly