• Wondering why there’s an extra ‘n’ appearing in FT copy? We’ve made a small but significant change to our abbreviation of millions: it’s now ‘mn’ instead of ‘m’. This benefits those who use screen readers, which misreads the ‘m’ as metres https://twitter.com/financialtimes/status/1489637761598566402?lang=en

  • The Financial Times has made a small but significant change to its style guide. The abbreviation of millions is now ‘mn’ instead of ‘m’. One of the main reasons is to benefit text-to-speech software, which reads out the ‘m’ as metres instead of millions, confusing visually impaired readers. It also comes into line with our style for billion (bn) and trillion (tn). https://aboutus.ft.com/press_release/ft-makes-change-to-style-guide