- chart ratio??
- 18 pt - descriptive chart title
- 14 pt - chart subtitle
- 12 pt - major ticks
- 10 pt - minor ticks
- 12/10 pt - details in chart
- 12 pt - footer
- 4/2 pt - line width
- 1 pt - grid
The Economist visual style guide
- chart ratio - by printing coloumns - see page 4
- H = 160pt = 2.22 inch
- 160x160, 332x160, 504x160
- 1:1, 2.075:1, 3.71:1
- compare with 21:9 = 2.33:1
- H = 160pt = 2.22 inch
- Type scale
- 11 pt - Chart headline
- 9.5 pt - Subtitle (detail under the headline)
- 9 pt - Chart labels (chart name)
- 9 pt - legend
- 7.5 pt - axis
- 7.5 pt - footer